You're invited to join me on a picture tour of Cranston. Come and enjoy pictures of the place I call home springing to life all around me!
Strapped the camera around my neck and I was ready to head out.... didn't get too far before I started taking pictures. I came across this tree showing off it's beautiful blossoms and I just had to capture it's beauty!

Then, I almost walked right into this next tree and got so wrapped up in it's beauty and taking a picture that I didn't notice a fellow walker staring me down.... As soon as I had snapped this shot, she demanded to know why I was photographing her house! Admittedly, her house is in the background of this picture but, as you can tell, I clearly wasn't trying to see into her bedroom with my zoom lens or anything!!!

Well, once I recovered from being accused of espionage, I continued on my merry way, snapping pictures as I went along. Here are a few samples of the pictures of the day - and more reasons as to why I love living in Cranston!

Well..... hope you enjoyed our little photo walk. I definitely hope that it made you want to hop on a plane and come visit (hint hint...) because Cranston is so much more fun in person!
Oh....and in case you didn't already know this, Calgary has the strangest weather in the world. I went for this walk on June 3..... in my sandals and capri pants.
This morning, June 6, our yard looked like this -

Oh well! At least we don't need to water the lawn this weekend!!!
Hope you're all having a great day!