Once upon a time I was quite an avid rollerblader. When I lived in Moncton with Becky and Baylee there was a place that I went to on a fairly regular basis to rollerblade. I seemed to take to rollerblading like a duck to water - I LOVED it! I loved going fast on fresh, smooth asphalt. I loved the feeling of the wind rushing though my hair. I loved the awesome workout I got from it, and loved that I finally seemed to have found a passion for exercise.
Well, since moving to Calgary, I had not yet pulled out the rollerblades. Not even once. That's almost FOUR years people! So much for passion right? Anyway, inspired by a Prevention magazine I got this weekend (Walk Yourself Fit - get it people....it's awesome!) I decided that I would pull out the 'ole rollerblades and give it a whirl. What could possibly go wrong? I'm a natural right? I'll put them on and exercise all evening right? What on earth could stop me? Marc and Jeremy went to a movie so after they left I went rummaging through the basement, trying to find the little wheeled pieces of torture....err.....heaven.... Ahem.....
I decided that I would not take Buster with me on my first trip out - after all it's been four years and I figured I needed to get my feet under me first (turns out that was the best decision I'd made all day!). So, I strapped on the rollerblades (gee, are they supposed to be this tight? My memory is a bit dim....) and then I had to get my helmet on. Oh shoot.... it's behind the freezer. No problem, I'll just wheel on over there and get it. Oh... easy girl, you almost wiped out in the garage before you even left - can't admit to that one! :-)
Well, finally I had my helmet securely in place and I was ready to take off! Down the sidewalk I went.... a little bumpy, but no sweat for a natural like me. Uh oh.... there is a small child riding her bike down her driveway straight towards me. Wait.....I don't remember how to stop!!! Watch out little girl - I don't have a license for these anymore! WHEW! She saw me! Crisis averted!
So continued the rest of my little adventure. Well, obstacle course really, what with outrageous cracks in the sidewalks, surprise piles of dirt and/or grass on the sidewalk, ladies walking with little dogs and me calling out to them that I have no ability to control my movements, so please step out of the way! Not to mention other small, unpredictable children at the bottom of a hill (well, incline really, but I can't stop, remember? ) causing me great stress. Add to this my new-found fear of falling (this was surprisingly lacking in my rollerblading glory days) and I was never so happy to see my house as I was today..... now, just to make it up the incline to my garage door so I can get these crazy things off!!!
Then, with the rollerblades successfully off, I realize that I have a cramp in my left shin so severe that I can't walk normally..... sigh..... my former rollerblading self would be ashamed! :-) I have to say even though I greatly feared falling, I actually made it home without falling once. Had a few close calls, but managed to stay upright, and avoid all children and dogs!
Well - at least I got them out right? I think I might stick to the walking plan for a bit, at least until I feel a little bit more coordinated so I won't fear small children and ladies with small dogs quite so much. I'm also happy to report that the terrible shin cramp is gone and I'm able to walk properly once again!
Now, off to have some homemade hummus! Hope you are all having a great night!
The Inner Gathering
2 years ago
I had a good laugh at your story.
I have experienced my fair share of clinging on to bus stops and sides of houses on my roller blades. If I could wear hockey equipment from head to toe with a warning sign painted on my chest for anyone that crosses my path, I would join you for your rollerblade joyrides. Alas, I have no hockey equipment....shucks.
You should write a book my dear!
I remember the fearless rollerblader of bygone days! I'm sure after a few adventures she'll be back and ready to face all that comes in her way!
Love you!!!--Mom
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